WORLD WAR 3D The MAIN Alien fleet has arrived, and they're none to happy with the failure of the first fleet at the hands of one man. Packing everything from submarines to tanks to airships, this huge extraterrestial force is going to destroy all mankind, even if they have the best females in the galaxy. Earth was ready for war though, and after picking up after the first fleet and moving its cities to special fortified zones, we're going to put the aliens through a helluva fight. Despite the alien's special knowledge and technology, we still possess the greatest weapon in the universe: the man they call Duke Nukem. It's too bad there's only one of him, but that might be enough. He'll only get the toughest missions, going against 100-to-1 odds at every moment. . . Just the way he likes it. 1 - File Information 2 - Play Information 3 - Mission Breifings 4 - Special Strategies (For wussies only) 1 File Information =================== Zip File: WW3D.ZIP Map Name: WW3D-1,WW3D-2,WW3D-3 Files: WW3D-1 through 3.MAP, WW3D.TXT Author: Jay. . . I'm actually not "The Voice Inside" E-Mail Address: Total File Size: about 180 K zipped... (80 zippped) Base: All totally new. Build Time: Altogether about fifty hours or more. Known Bugs: No bugs per se, just some things that you have to expect from the engine. Nothing really bad. 2 Play Information =================== Episode/Levels: All maps are run on E1M1 Single Player: Mainly Dukematch: Supported/Lightly Tested Cooperative: Supported/Untested Difficulty Settings: Who needs 'em. Recommended System Stats: Pentium and 16MB RAM or better should give good play performance. 3 Mission Breifings ==================== OPERATION ALOHA is underway. We wish to cleanse the Alien city, Chertoiul, from Hawaii. MISSION 1 Artillery is hammering the outer walls of Chertoiul hard from a hidden area in a forest. So far, the units haven't been discovered, and this is good because there's no one but their personnel and you to gaurd them, since the other units were pulled to a battle a few miles East. However, it seems that the Aliens have a clue now, and are sending out a science crew to see if they can pinpoint the location. So far, the artillery's special emission cloaking had done the trick, but if the alien science vehicle gets near the area, the units will have to pull out of the area, and will doubtlessly get battered by an airstrike soon after. Either way, Running is not an option. The human invasion forces need the opening that these artillery vehicles are trying to make. So obviously, it's up to you to stop the science crew before it gets there, and take care of any reenforcements that may pop up. We figure that in the time this will take, the wall will be blown wide enough, and the artillery can move out to a gaurded location. Keep fighting and the aliens won't care about the artillery. When you acheive the primary goal, return to the radio station we have installed in a nearby tree to report. INTELLEGENCE REPORT: A cruiser on its way past the area will be able to fire a few shots into the area before being blocked by the rocks nearby. This may not prove to be so useful, but its all we can do. MISSION 2 Your special skills will be needed in an upcoming operation along an ungaurded portion of the South wall. The units with which you are travelling to this area must pass through a walled-in strait, with rock on both sides. What's more, this place is littered with mines. Humans can't see or diffuse them, but that's why a special mine-dis- posal unit is guiding you to the wall, leaving a trail of white paint that marks a safe area of about a yard to each side. The armor units went through the field first, in order to make sure you would be safe when you got there. But sure enough, there was an ambush, and you are left with a decent source of supplies but a danger- ous path to the armor. Stay near the paint and you'll get there in one peice, providing you can take out the bad guys without running around too much. INTELLEGENCE REPORT: A small airstrike is on its way, but it is far away, and won't provide much help anyway. It appears that among the enemies is a Warlord, or SubWarlord. Our tanks are kind of busy fending for themselves, and the Warlord merely waits for you near the wall. Be careful. MISSION 3 The landing on the shore near the West wall isn't going as well as we had hoped. The enemy was able to bring out a small tank, which mach- ine-gunned down our remaining troops until it was finally blown apart by a gunship near the aiding the landing. Now we had to have you swim into the fray, and not very wwll armed at that. The problem as we see it is this: The aliens are getting reenforcements from inside their outer wall, which we want brought down anyway. The problem is that the gunship is now hammering away on other forces behind the wall of rocks to the North, and we need an airstrike to tear open a hole in the door in the area. When we do this, another airstrike will quickly cream remaining forces behind the outer wall with a prompt napalm. We can't do this yet, though, because there are four enemy anti-air- craft units in the area, which with 99.9% accuracy would shoot down the airships before they got there. Your mission is to get to all the Surface-to-Air Beam units and shut them off, then when the door is down, run inside the outer perimeter to help usher in approaching forces. INTELLEGENCE REPORT: The Landing Transport Ship that is now on shore was taken over by an Alien Special Ops team. Be careful. 4 Special Strategies (If you're confused on something) ======================================================= MISSION 1: To open the way into the small radio post, you have to stop the science vehicle. The thing about these vehicles is that both the drivetrain and the heavy-duty sensors cannot function at the same time or certain problems occur...disabling problems. Hit both the switchs once and only once, to restart the wheels and to turn on their Neutino analyzer. Then you should jump out of the vehicle and watch the fire. MISSION 2: There are to large medkits in the trees where two lizards come from near the beginning. Crossing the minefield will probably be worth it if you're low on health. The exit is in the main battle tank. Jump into the entrance area and consider you're done. MISSION 3: What can I say? Stay down and behind cover whenever you can. The exit is by entering the destroyed doors into the outer perimeter. Hurry through and you won't have to deal with the few Drones teleporting in front of you. This will probably be the mission with the lowest frame rate. Try not to let too many enemies be after you at the same time or you'll face some real speed problems. =========================================================================== All files included in the ZIP file may be freely distributed in any format, provided all other files are included, probably zipped, intact, in the same condition as when you received them, and that I get the credit for these files. You may use these levels as the base to your own levels. Please include credit, and a reference to WW3d.